Eriline Maailm

Address: Eesti Vabariik, Tallinn, Maneeži tänav 3 10117
Contact phone: +372 56619546
Contact email:

The organization was created in year 2014 by families who brought up the children with special needs. The objectives of the organization are – union of families with children with disabilities, informational and psychological assistance to such families; conducting of entertaining and educational activities for children with special needs; informing society about children’s with disabilities and their families; inclusion of children and youth with special needs in society; promote the idea of inclusive education. Today the organization includes more than 580 families from all over Estonia. Over the past 6 years, NGO has carried out many projects in different directions on the themes of children with special needs, inclusion, the elephantiness of special parenting, preschool and school education. As a result of intensive work NGO received the Civic Association of the Year 2017 award from EMSL – one of the most important awards for NGOs in Estonia. Number of media items (on TV, radio, in online news portals, local newspapers, etc.) covering topics concerning people with special needs appeared thanks to our NGO work and influence ( In order to increase public awareness of the topics the NGO is working on, many public open events were held. The most important of them: – International Dance Festival No Limit Dance Battle in Tallinn and Narva (this event was also rewarded by the Interaction Foundation for the co-operation of the Estonian and non-Estonian residents: – Photo Exhibition “Childhood Differences” was held all over Estonia. The project was mentioned in the Estonian Press Photographers Union (EPFL) catalog 2018 – Project My Special Estonia EV100 – Opening of first in Estonia private inclusive school ( and many others Our NGO workers held number of informal classes in schools (elementary, middle and high school) on topics: Why are we all so different? Who are children with special needs? Is bullying a class disease or does it not affect me?


Julia Stolberova

Founder and head of the non-commercial association Different World.

A lawyer by education, Julia got into the third sector due to the birth of a special child in the family. For more than 14 years she has been engaged in social projects, author’s photo exhibitions, organization and holding of charitable events. She is actively engaged in project activities within the framework of various European programs. The main topics she works with are social inclusion, adaptation of methods for working with mixed-ability groups, inclusive education, peer counseling, non-formal education.

Actively drawing attention to issues of equality and equality, Julia, together with the team, speaks at open events and talks about her personal path, is a co-author of social videos and a television project about inclusion. The largest project of the NGO Different World is the opening of the first private inclusive school in Estonia – the Vivere School. Julia is the head of the school, a teacher and a consultant on the work of support specialists.